Sunday, 2 October 2011


At Fife (Macduff’s castle), Lady Macduff is angry. She demands to know why Macduff has gone to England, leaving her behind. She thinks Macduff is a coward. Ross says Macduff’s flight could results from wisdom, not fear.
After Ross leaves, Lady Macduff turns to her son. She tells the boy that his father is dead. The boy doesn’t believe her, but asks if his father is a traitor. Lady Macduff says yes, Macduff is a traitor: a man who swore an oath and broke it and now must hang. The boy thinks if traitors allow themselves to be hanged they must be fools, since there are undoubtedly more traitors than honest men in the world.
A servant bursts in to warn of coming danger, then rushes out. Before Lady Macduff or her children can run, murderers enter the chamber, stab Macduff’s son, and chase Lady Macduff offstage.


Shakespeare goes on to form another debate about manhood. Does a real man sacrifice the safety of his family for the good of his country, Shakespeare thus then leads the audience to think about what matters the most , the individual or everybody. Macbeth has ordered the murder of the innocent. His loss of humanity is complete, and the seeds of his self-destruction are sown. By doing this Shakespeare takes away all of the sympathy which the audience even if minor had for Macbeth thus transforming him to the Vilas of the play.

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